Insights from Polaris Direct

Format & Design

Direct Mail Testing: Rules of the Road

High school students everywhere loathe it. College students loathe it even more. But alas, testing is part of life…and if we allow it to be, it’s actually a pretty awesome part (well, perhaps more awesome for marketers than for college kids). And while standardized...

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For The Love Of Mail

As a child growing up in rural New Hampshire, going to get the mail was an occasion. For some reason or another, our mailbox was located about a mile away from our house, so my siblings and I would often strap on our helmets, hop on our bikes, and tear down the dirt...

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Powerful Postage

Marketers everywhere, rejoice. The search for higher response rates is over. And in fact, the answer is hidden on every single direct mail appeal you send. Though it is often overlooked as just a necessary—essential, actually—part of a direct mail piece, postage...

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